Shadow of Mordor’s Season Pass Explained
it could finally be the decent Lord of the Rings game we’ve been waiting for…
it could finally be the decent Lord of the Rings game we’ve been waiting for…
The Evil Within gets ever closer to freaking us out in full…
be prepared to queue, even if you have early access…
check out the latest trailer from the upcoming Lord of the Rings title…
there are already incredible numbers of community generated levels out there…
there’s something about Nindroids that just doesn’t sit quite right…
some fascinating stuff in here as well as some great looking footage…
including the world premiere of the four-player co-op mode: Exo Survival….
The full release will be on November the 7th…
this could easily be a game which trumps many of its bigger budget strategy cousins…
for authenticity and driving satisfaction it’s already difficult to criticise…
There’s some great ideas here…
circuits and tracks are playable in online and offline modes…
I keep feeling like I need to go back and fight some more for my group’s survival…
I should warn you now that the video does contain clowns…
You might remember the name from aaaaages ago…
we’ve had some good news in the form of a new release date…
the hottest voice actors in gaming have come together again…
you’ll have to stealthily infiltrate a heavily guarded location…
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