Review: Mortal Kombat

July 5, 2011 Rich G 0

Sound effects make a big difference here with each bone broken, organ pureed and pool of vomit induced feeling satisfyingly crunchy, squelchy or splattery…

Review: MotoGP 10/11

June 8, 2011 Iain 0

carrying too much speed through a corner will slide a car off the track, but send a biker flying through the air while trying to remember if their medical insurance is up to date…

Review: Brink

May 25, 2011 Iain 0

The bots themselves aren’t quite as stupid as some people have made out…

Review: Star Raiders

May 24, 2011 Dean 0

all the right parts are here but it just fails to reach that game that I think everyone wanted it to be…

Review: Crysis 2

April 26, 2011 Iain 0

Meanwhile, New York is crumbling around you, ravaged by alien invasion and huge explosive battles…