While rumours bounce around the web about what’s coming next in the console world, some people are taking their eyes off the current gen consoles, wondering if Sony and Microsoft are winding down as their kit reaches the end of its useful lifespan. Well here at TGR we like to look on the bright side, and have picked out nine reasons why we shouldn’t be looking ahead too far just yet. Every one of these games is an indication that we shouldn’t be giving up just yet, especially when developers still have extra power to squeeze out of the kit we’ve already got. So in no particular order, here are our nine reasons to remain excited about the current generation of gaming.
Borderlands 2 (PS3/360)
Following up from the 2009 original, Borderlands 2 is shaping up to be bigger and better in every way. We’ve already seen evidence of some brilliant looking weapons, gorgeous visuals and the same humour that made Borderlands so enjoyable. What we’ll get at the end of next month when the game is released remains to be seen, but we can’t wait.
Assassin’s Creed 3 (PS3/360)
Ubisoft have been honing the Assassin’s Creed franchise for a fair while now, and AC3 seems to be reaping the rewards of all of that work. Using a huge range of playing styles as well as some interesting looking online options, the latest entry into the AC universe is looking fantastic. There’s still a lot we don’t know, but what we’ve seen so far looks ace.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (PS3/360)
Could this be the definitive online racer? It’s looking like it’ll come close, that’s for sure. Mixing up Burnout Paradise with Hot Pursuit, Most Wanted has already been shown off by Criterion to a degree and looks like an absolute blast. They’re quickly becoming the Kings of the open road driving game and we’re in absolutely no doubt that when this arrives in November it’s going to be a massive hit.
South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3/360)
Keeping firmly below most people’s radar, the Stick of Truth looks like it could be the first South park title to not only keep the look and feel of the cartoons, but also feature the legendary wonky humour that has made it extremely popular. The popularity of South Park as a whole isn’t what it used to be, but we reckon this could spark a lot of interest when it’s released. Even if not, you can never get enough Cartman.
The Last of Us (PS3)
It may have strong echos of Uncharted, and it’s almost definitely the last we’ll see of Naughty Dog on the PS3, but in our eyes they’re two reasons why The Last of Us will surpass anything we’ve seen so far on the PS3. Naughty Dog’s trademark animation and combat, as well as (we hope) a brilliant story should see this take centre stage and show the world that the PS3 still has life left in it.
Halo 4 (360)
So many people bought a 360 just for Halo, it’s impossible to believe this won’t be huge. Halo 4 is bringing a new online hub, and with the enormous following that the series has got there’s no chance at all the developers will release anything that isn’t the finest game on the 360. It’s probably going to be the 360’s swansong too, but it’s a hell of a way to wind down a console.
Dishonored (PS3/360)
Continuing their bewildering sequence of top quality titles, Bethesda’s Dishonored turns to sneaking and possessing to get around, and it’s looking amazing. If you’ve ever wanted to stick an explosive to a rat, take control of its mind and use it to blow up some guards then look no further. There’s nothing quite like this around already, so this will be something new and, all things being well, utterly awesome.
GRID 2 (PS3/360)
While Criterion are busy ruling the world of racing on busy streets, Codemasters have easily become the last word on track racing. GRID remains one of the best racers on the current consoles, and with several more racers under their belts since then, GRID2 is shaping up to be mind-blowing. Using the new Racenet system will give depth to proceedings, and even without the in-car view (really, are people that bothered?) GRID2 will undoubtedly be pushing for the role of top PS3 and 360 racer.
Crysis 3 (PS3/360)
last but by no means least, Crysis 3. Crytek are renowned for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and their new game engine is proof of that. Producing visuals that shouldn’t be possible with the equipment available, Crysis 3 will certainly look the part, so let’s hope the gameplay can match it. Either way, it’s bound to raise some eyebrows from the people who think we’ve seen everything these consoles can do.
So, what have we missed? Have you guys got other titles you’re excited about? Let us know, we’re happy to debate this!
Tekken Tag 2?
Resident Evil 6?
Resident Evil could be interesting, I got fed up of RE5 though…
Where’s COD2013?
In the same slot as FIFA13.
The round slot on the floor in the corner of the room? Smart move.. 🙂
Bioshock Infinite and Metal Gear Rising, if they ever materialise.
GRID 2. No cockpit view is anyone really bothered? Erm, well yeah. Whilst another game is adding cockpit views to their 600 nissan skylines, Forza also has cockpit views, as does Dirt 3, Dirt 2 and F1 2010, 2011 it seems codemasters is making a bold statement that GRID 2 will not be, or even attempting to be, a sim like racer, which is a shame given its Toca and Race Driver heritage.
It’s got arcadey, toned down controls written all over it. Don’t bother to try and use a wheel with this as it will be the same as DiRT Showdown, a nice looking arcade blast that will compete with NFS Shift but won’t touch the more sim like racers out there like GT5 and Forza 4.
And can I add another one into the mix. Whilst we have seen Guitar Hero in its many guises, Rock Band also, even DJ Hero, but this September sees the release of Rocksmith. A game that allows you to plug in your REAL guitar and play. It will also allow bass guitars too. So whilst activision and EA have binned the guitar games for now, Ubisoft are bringing it back and with realism all over it!
Might as well just play the real guitar then…?
And ‘It
I don’t think Codies are aiming to compete with GT5 and Forza, it’s not really their style. Give me faster, more action packed racing any day of the week.
likes this.
Sims are boring.
Im glad Cod isnt on that list but where is Far Cry 3? where is GTA V? where is BULLY 2, that will most likely be presented on the current console gen? that list is stupid. the only the games I belive that represent a reason why people should excited by the current gen is The Last of Us and Assassins creed, everthing else are not exciting at all.
Firstly this is an opinion piece, not agreeing doesn’t make it “stupid”. Secondly, it’s listing nine reasons. Not the ONLY nine reasons…