Yet more freebies for you all this month, and whether you’re gaming on an Xbox, Playstation or Vita you’ve got loads to look forward to this month for nothing more than your usual subscription fee. Hooray!
Xbox 360 & Xbox One
Forza Horizon / Sept 1st-Sept 15th – the big guns are out for Xbox 360 this month. The first Forza Horizon is a classic, a great racing title which is fun and fresh. Amazing soundtrack too.
Mirror’s Edge / Sept 16th-Sept 30th – an absolute classic. In my opinion, much better than the reboot (Catalyst) released this year, there’s nothing else like Mirror’s Edge. First person run ‘em up, quality game.
Xbox One
Earth lock: Festival of Magic / September – a turn based role playing game, brand new with its debut on Xbox One this month.
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China / Sept 16th – Oct 15th a 2.5 dimensional platform game set in the Assassin’s Creed universe. Having not played any of these style of AC games I’m excited to try this one.
Lords of the Fallen – taking very heavy inspiration from Dark Souls, Lords of the Fallen could be seen as a reskinned version. I found it a bit more fluid than Dark Souls but equally as challenging.
PS4 and PS3
Journey – a nice game about… a journey. Disparate landscapes, good music. Hard game to describe, more of an experience. Recommended.
Datura – story driven game set in a woodland, laced with mysteries and hallucinogenic drugs.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – one of those rare games that had a massive impact on the gaming landscape. Unfortunately Ubisoft could never really replicate what made this so great. Good combat, story, time travel.
PS Vita
Amnesia: Memories – a visual romance story novel type game. Not sure what else to say. Different I guess.
PS Vita, PS4, PS3
Badland – as a black creature you fly through various stages. Fairly simple, nice looking game. Started life on the iPad so simple controls are key.
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