If you haven’t heard of Prif, don’t worry. They’re a relatively new company, but don’t let that put you off – if the Freedom 1 headset is anything to go by they certainly know how to make a good bit of kit. The Freedom 1 headset is one of the very few bits of hardware available which is actually licensed by Sony for use on the PS4, so if you’ve been frustrated by not being able to use your old bluetooth headsets on Sony’s latest, or if you’ve been relying on wired headsets so far, then this is good news for you.
The setup is extremely quick, almost instant in fact. Once the console is on and the USB dongle is in place, the headset pairs almost instantly and is ready to use. The headset itself sports easy to access mute buttons (for muting yourself and the headset separately), as well as volume controls on the lower edge. The ability to mute your own voice is handy and something missing from some of the other headsets we’ve tried out recently, so when your parent/parter/child/pet/builder/mistress (delete as applicable) comes in and insists on having your attention at that precise moment, you can talk to them without sharing your conversation with some angry teenagers in another country. Which is nice.
The Freedom 1 is light, and easy to forget it’s even on your ear for a fair while, but I found it started to dig in a bit after a while and had to move it quite regularly once I’d reached that point to keep comfortable. The earpiece itself is quite big, and it might be that I just need to perfect the positioning of it, but personally I’d have preferred a slightly smaller earpiece or, to match the needs of a few more people, the ability to change it with one or two difference sizes in the box. Considering Prif were happy to drop in a camouflage facia to change the look of the headset (which is a nice, if not largely pointless idea) then a changeable earpiece shouldn’t be too big an ask, surely.
But what is most definitely a high point is the sound quality. Prif suggest the headset will offer CD quality sound, and that’s exactly what you get. Communications between myself and some of my friends were crystal clear, but do be aware that this depends entirely on the headset they’re using; if everything sounds distorted and muffled while playing Call of Duty you’re probably being shouted at by someone using a £1.25 bargain basement headset. The best way to check is to switch the PS4 so that all of the game’s sound comes through the headset; it’s not intended for this, but it certainly gives a very strong idea of just how good the sound is through the Freedom 1. The microphone is surprisingly good too considering how far it is from your mouth (and behind the direction of sound as well) – everyone I asked said I sounded very clear, which for a low cost headset like this is very impressive.
So while there’s a question mark over long term comfort (or maybe it’s a question mark over my ears, who knows) the Freedom 1 headset is a very impressive device for the money. It looks good, it sounds brilliant, and it won’t break the bank either. If you’re in the market for a decent, lightweight wireless headset then this could very well be the way to go.
In case you’re wondering, you can buy this at Amazon – hit the link to see more.
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