If you’ve been following our Game of Thrones reviews so far, you’ll know that we were gripped by the first and felt slightly let down by the second.
Well episode three kicks off with a bang, as some of our characters are literally trapped between a rock and a hard place. Only with the rock being a band of angry soldiers, and the hard place being being a bloody great dragon. In a rocky hard place.
After that jolting start, this was a much more satisfying episode, some earlier decisions are starting to affect things. More backstabbing and double-dealing goes on, and once the impact of the off-camera “purple wedding” scene hits, House Forrester is looking more fragile than ever.
We’re now halfway through the series, so there are still plenty of twists and turns to come.
To prevent spoilers we won’t be doing huge review mid-series on these episodic games. Instead, we’ll just give quick mini-reviews to let you know how the series is ticking along!
I enjoyed alot watching last Game of throne episode, Now excited to watch upcoming episodes via PureVPN.