It’s free game time again folks with PS4 title Transistor arguably the shining jewel in February’s crown. From the acclaimed developers of Bastion, Transistor takes art style, story telling, strategy and music to another level. I’m not even mad I bought it a few weeks ago – it’s that good.
Apothen joins it headlining PS4, a Greek mythology inspired side scroller slash em up. Heavily stylised, some slightly floaty controls don’t detract from a unique experience.
PS3 owners get Thief (review here), the perhaps slightly over-hyped stealth em up and Yakuza 4, the slightly under-hyped errr… well Yakuza is an interesting series which is difficult to describe. Thankfully it’s free, so you can give it a try and see for yourself. You may want to leave your reservations at the door.
The Vita double whammy lifts off with Kick and Fennick, a platforming adventure about a little boy and ‘a very big gun’. The final title for Playstation Plus owners is Rogue Legacy. The highly regarded indie hit makes its console debut across all formats (cross buy). Taking a knight through a castle, and then his offspring, then his offspring, then his… you get the idea. Improve each time, and become the legacy!
It’s battle of the indie games this month, with Xbox Games for Gold giving Sony a run for their money. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a unique adventure on Xbox 360. A touching, warming, interesting game, it kept me capitivated all the way through and I highly recommend it. Sniper Elite V2 (review) takes up Feb’s back end, a tactical shooting game set in Berlin in 1945.
Xbox One this month has #iDARB (It Draws a Red Box). This is weird. It’s a 2D esports game. It’s fast. Frantic. A bit weird. And free for February!
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