The guy gets everywhere. Troy Baker, the voice of Booker deWitt in Bioshock Infinite, and more recently Joel in the Last of Us (both of his he was impossibly awesome at) is back with more voice acting in the upcoming Arkham Origins, taking on the role of the Joker. In addition Roger Craig Smith, better known for voicing Ezio on Assassin’s Creed and Sonic the Hedgehog (interesting mix, but there we go) will be taking the part of Batman and his non-heroic real guy Bruce Wayne.
Better yet, Warner Bros today announced that UK fans of the highly anticipated Batman: Arkham Origins videogame will soon have the chance to meet them! To mark the launch day of the next instalment in the Batman: Arkham series, games industry veterans Smith (Batman) and Baker (The Joker) will be meeting fans and signing copies of the title at GAME’s Stratford store between 09.00 and 11.00am on Friday, October 25th, 2013.
Those who aren’t able to make it to the launch day event can meet the duo at MCM London Comic Con on Saturday October 26 at the Batman: Arkham Origins stand.  Throughout the weekend at MCM, both will be signing autographs, making personal appearances and answering fan questions on their very own panel. As the UK’s foremost cultural expo, MCM London Comic Con brings the best in anime and pop culture to over 100,000 consumers across the weekend.
About the voice artists:
Roger Craig Smith (Batman)
Roger Craig Smith is one of the most recognizable voice actors in the entertainment business today, recently lending his voice as the lead villain “Ripslinger” in Disney’s animated feature PLANES, which debuted in August 2013.  He takes on the role of Bruce Wayne and Batman for the very first time in Batman: Arkham Origins.
Troy Baker (The Joker)
Rapidly becoming one of the most prominent names in videogames, Troy has performed in some of the most critically and commercially successful games of this generation. Batman: Arkham Origins marks the first time in the franchise that Troy has taken on the role of The Joker.
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