Here at The Gaming Review we know that not everyone has the time to search for all the latest gaming news, so we’ve put the most important stories of the week in a quick and easy bullet point format for you busy gamers-on-the-go:
- Nintendo 2DS announced – A new entry level handheld console able to play all 3DS games in 2D. It will be available on the 12th October, the same day as Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are released.
- Fifa 14 for PS Vita is again a repackaged variant on previous instalments. EA Sports’ David Rutter told Eurogamer that the Vita version will “be the same great gameplay.” When asked if that means it’s the same as the debut Fifa on the PS Vita, Rutter confirmed “It’s the same great gameplay and new kits.”
- The Last of Us update will include a new objective based multiplayer mode called interrogation, where players must interrogate opponents to acquire pieces of intel shows the location of loot.
- Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, the indirect sequel to the hugely popular Amnesia: The Dark Descent, will be released on the 10th September. Keep an eye open for our review soon!
- Humble Origin Bundle raises over $10.5 million (roughly over £675,000) for charity, with over 2.1 million bundles sold.
- Battlefield 4‘s Gamescom demo on the PS4 was underwhelming graphically, after EA and DICE’s emphasis on narrowing the gap between PC and console gaming.
- South Park: Stick of Truth gameplay has been leaked. The previously THQ-owned title will now be launched by Ubisoft towards the end of the year.
- Dark Souls 2 will be released in March 2014 across the main current and next-gen machines.
- Titanfall could be exclusive to Origin on PC.
Some of the most anticipated games coming this year will be shown at PAX Prime this weekend in Seattle, with Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo showing off their exclusives.
Games appearing include: Battlefield 4, Dead Rising 3, DriveClub, Fable Anniverary, Forza Motorsport 5, Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadows Fall, Pokemon X and Y and Total War: Rome II.
Finally, top games released this week:
Saints Row IV: August 22 (review)
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified: August 22 (review)
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: August 27
Lost Planet 3: August 27
Madden NFL 25: August 27
Rayman Legends: August 29
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