We all remember Worms, it’s been knocking around since 1995. That’s when those amazing people over at Team17 came up with this great idea of having worms battle each other to the death, with all sorts of crazy weapons. I can still remember my friends and I huddled around my Amiga 500+, spending time picking names for our highly trained worm combatants, and then starting the game and trying to blow each other up, or if that failed, setting up guards to try and build shelters. I look back on those days with great fondness, and I’m very happy to see that as we moved forward so did the Worms games. So we reach 2013, and what have those great people over at Team 17 done? They have only gone and released this great pack for Xbox called Worms: The Revolution Collection.
Not much has changed over the years to this winning formula. What you will notice when you first load the game up, is that on the disc is Worms 2 Armageddon with a supply crate full of DLC for your playing pleasure. There really is a huge amount of extras to play with, more weapons to beat the living snot of your friends, or the AI and much, much more. To follow that, the lovely people at Team 17 have also put in Worms Revolution, which is a step up from Worms 2 Armageddon. With all new HD graphics it’s displayed in a lovely 2.5D which really adds depth to the game and gives more interesting levels. Once again it comes with a bucket load of DLC which brings even more life to the game with more maps and weapons. This truly is a great collection. If you’re a big Worms fan like me, then this is a must have, not just for you but for your friends as well, the endless fun you will have will be crazy. In total you get 5 DLC Packs which is amazing, I don’t know many games that would give away that many extras. One thing I did really like was the physics that has been added to Worms Revolution, and also the puzzle modes, but what really makes it for me is the ability to get online and play with other people over Xbox Live. This really opens the game up and it gets better the more people you add into the mix. Let’s not forget though that these aren’t new games, and it’s not out of the question that you may have picked these up or played them some time ago.
Overall this is great for the price of £22.99. If you have never played Worms at all, then this is a great place to start, even if a few of you might have played all of these before. These 2 great games on disc with all this DLC available in them will keep you playing for ages. If like me, you’re an old hand to the Worms franchise, then this will hold a special place in your heart. It’s so nice to see that in this day and age, this style of game is still being brought out and people are still enjoying it.
Reviewed on XBox 360
nothing like the original
looks great 🙂