If you missed out on watching last night’s presentation, or got stuck with the slightly wonky video stream, take a look at the 3 videos below. Showing our pick of the trailers, you’ll be able to see the upcoming Playstation 4 versions of Killzone, inFamous and the all new (and brilliant looking) racer DriveClub.
What caught your eye last night?
Killzone Shadow Fall[springboard type=”video” id=”671849″ player=”tgrv002″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ]
inFamous: Second Son[springboard type=”video” id=”671845″ player=”tgrv002″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ]
DriveClub[springboard type=”video” id=”671843″ player=”tgrv002″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ]
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