Good news for those of you who like to search for cats falling off cupboards… From the 11th February, the YouTube application will be available as a free download via the XMB, in ‘My Channels’ under the TV/Video Services icon.
Designed for the big screen and PS3 controls, the YouTube app has search tools to find videos faster and easier, the option to sign-in to see all your subscribed channels including official music videos, and (here’s the REALLY cool bit) the ability to control the app using your smartphone.
The YouTube app will be available in YouTube Serviced Territories (as determined by Google) where PlayStation Store is also available. These SCEE territories include: Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
Users may have watched YouTube on PS3 before, but with the introduction of the app they will be able to access completely new and improved features, these include:
- Search: Finding videos is easier than ever, with search suggestions and instant video results while you type.
- Access to subscriptions: Sign in to find the latest videos from your YouTube subscriptions, which now also includes official music videos.
- Your smartphone as a remote: With a quick pairing process, you can control YouTube on PS3 with a smartphone. Find a video on your phone and with the click of a button it’ll play on the big screen. While the video is playing you can control it from the phone, or keep browsing YouTube for the next one.
Key Features
User Experience:
• User Interface Optimized for TV
• Video Search
• Ability to Browse and Search for videos while watching
• PS3 Game Controller Support
• HD (Up to 720p)
• Content Flagging
• Closed Caption
• YouTube trending and popular video playlists
Smartphone and Tablet Pairing
• Browse and search for videos on phone/tablet while watching on PS3
• Fling videos to PS3 from smartphone or tablet
• Control video with smartphone
• Comment on phone while watching
Signed In Experience
• Sign-In and Channel Guide
• User’s liked videos
• Watch later videos
• User’s playlists
• Subscribed channels
• Search History
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