Max Payne 3 Issue #1: “After the Fall”, the first chapter in the three part Max Payne 3 comic series produced by Marvel, is now available in digital form.
Beginning with a confrontation at a dive bar in Hoboken from Max Payne 3, “After the Fall” then flashes back to tell the story of Max’s troubled upbringing – shedding new light on Max’s life through key events from Max Payne and Max Payne 2.
Written by Dan Houser and Remedy’s Sam Lake, and featuring cover art from Greg Horn and pencils and inks by Fernando Blanco, you can read the issue in its entirety here, or download as a PDF file.
Interested in getting your hands on one of the printed editions of Issue #1: “After The Fall”? Each week between now and the end of June Rockstar will be giving away ten copies to lucky Social Club members. Simply enter your Social Club info at www.rockstargames.com/maxpayne3/comics for your chance to win.
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