A campaign is underway to get music from video games recognised by the Classic FM Hall of Fame. Every year, listeners to the radio station and other members of the public vote for their favourite classical music and the results are turned into the Hall of Fame, a list of the top 300 favourite pieces of classical music.
A lot of games have fantastic classical scores; favourites such as Skyrim and Deus Ex feature fantastic soundtracks, but it’s Final Fantasy VII that is the centrepiece of the campaign. You can even win an iPad by voting, which is pretty cool.
So here’s what to do.
1: Head over to Facebook for inspiration – the campaign’s page is right here and has some great suggestions of what you can vote for. You don’t need to be on Facebook to view it, but sign in and like the page to be kept up to date.
2: Go to www.classicfmhalloffame.co.uk and vote for you three favourites bits of orchestral video games music. Pieces have to be orchestral and commercially released to count.
3: Hopefully (and here’s the FF7 push) make one of the pieces Aerith’s Theme by Nobuo Uematsu! You’ll need to MANUALLY ENTER this in the voting box as it’s not a recognised piece of music in their database.
Traditionally, video game music has been criminally overlooked in the voting, and as a gamer and classical musician myself this is something I’d love to see changed. Get thinking, get voting and let’s see if we can get some gaming love in the Hall of Fame!
Or is this Facebook’s real long term plan? (Hint it’s not an app.)