The EX-03 Headset from Gioteck is a military inspired headset which comes in two flavours: wired for the 360, and Bluetooth for the PS3. It has a rubber coated body which sits really well on the ear. Comfort is high up the list when Gioteck design anything, and you can really tell with this product. The military inspiration is evident as well from the midnight digital camo, that is displayed on the faceplate, to the general look of it. It would definitely not look out of place in the battlefield. It slides nicely over the ear and sits very well, with the help of the Flexible ear-hook, which feels great when you have the headset on.
One thing I do like, and I have not seen this at all on a headset before, is the Rubber ear-bud which fits great inside your ear. This really helps to cut down the ambient noise that may be around you while you’re playing, and I have to say this really boosts the sound quality as well. The sound chamber that the rubber ear-bud is connected to really brings your comms to life. If you think that’s good for such a small mic then there is more, it also packs a noise cancelling mic which gives you great voice quality to send out to all your team mates.

All this sounds great. But what does it feel like to play with for long periods of gaming, I hear you ask? Well let me tell you it feels great! When I first put it in I could tell I had it on, it felt funny having this rubber ear-bud in my ear but after a while I didn’t even know it was there, which is a great for me because, I personally, hate things feeling heavy and being a chore to wear. Another great feature is the anti-twist cable which, unless you physically tie it in knots, really works and with the in-line volume control to finish it off you really can not go wrong.
Overall the EX-03 Headset is a great buy I really found it better than my normal headset, in fact I found leaps and bounds above it. The sound quality of the mic is just far superior. If you’re in the market for a headset for your 360 or PS3, then I would strongly suggest taking a look at this one you will not be sorry!
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Review gear provided by Gioteck
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i am sorry it wont work people cant hear me
any ideas
I use it and it is really good 😀
Where can I buy this in the US?? only places I find it are UK websites
This was very handy because I was hesitant about which to buy. A headset that cost about
Happy to say that ive just bought one of these and its super slick and works mint. it has superb sound quality and it wicked lightweight and has a long lasting battery .Easlily a recommendable item it to anyone.
Can you pair this headset with an Android phone as well or is it exclusively for PS3 use?