Welcome to April 2019, you get some free games. Psyche! No you don’t! April Fools!
Ok, there are some free games it turns out. Double bluff.
The Technomancer – Available April 1 to 30 on Xbox One – poorly received action RPG.
Outcast: Second Contact – Available April 16 to May 15 on Xbox One – remake of the old (and first) 3D open world game of the same name.
Star Wars Battlefront II – Available April 1 to 15 on Xbox One and Xbox 360 – a very good shooter, but this isn’t the ‘new’ Star Wars Battlefront II condemned by loot box controversy. This is the original one, on the OG Xbox (playable on 360 and Xbox One via backwards compatibility). An old, old game. But a good one.
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 – Available April 16 to 31 on Xbox One and Xbox 360 – Ubisoft’s dalliance with sci-fi military continued here with GRAW 2. Bit sluggish but looked nice at the time, a decent shooter.
The Surge – PS4 – what if Dark Souls was a science fiction game opposed to fantasy horror? That’s the brief from The Surge which does a reasonable job of taking the Dark Souls-like principles and refreshing the universe.
Conan: Exiles – RPG based on the famous barbarian. More famous than that was this game’s ability to customise your character by customising your, well, your bits. All of them. So there’s that.
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