The first month of no PS3 and Vita games means Playstation fans get a little less, but on the flip side writing these reports gets a little easier. Let’s take a look:
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (Xbox One, 1st – 31st March) – an exploration game based on the popular franchise, which tells a unique story for fans of the show. If you don’t like the show, however, it’s probably not for you.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 (Xbox One, 16th March – 15th April 2019) – excellent class-based third-person shooter based on that old tower defence iOS game. The question here is whether the servers will be full enough of people who aren’t pro killers to make it worth sticking with. I think it’s worth a shot!
Star Wars Republic Commando (Xbox One and Xbox 360, 1st – 15th March) – a great shooter and brilliant diversion from the classic Star Wars style of game, with a different story to tell. It was great in the day, does it still hold up?
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox One and Xbox 360, 16th – 31st March) – love it or hate it, Revengeance has a reputation. Playing as Raiden (urgh) it has a hack-and-slash feel which is very different from the classic Metal Gear games.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (PS4) – the one that started it all. Well not quite, but ushered FPS games into the very popular culture. Silkily remastered, featuring the single and multiplayer options, this is a hit.
The Witness (PS4) – seminal adventure puzzle game, free on Xbox a few months ago, PS4 owners can now experience the magic.
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