The January slump ends with some free games for February – take a look at the freebies you’ve got this month and let us know if any take your fancy!
Shadow Warrior — February 1-28 (Xbox One): old school shooter where the real star is the swordplay. Bit of a surprise hit.
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India — February 16 to March 15 (Xbox One): a 2.5D adventure set in the Assassin’s Creed universe but sadly frustrates more than excites.
Split/Second — February 1-15 (Xbox One, Xbox 360): adrenaline-fuelled racer which whilst never quite scratched the itch that Burnout left, it is a decent racer with some explosive action.
Crazy Taxi — February 16-28 (Xbox One, Xbox 360): a port of the Dreamcast classic, but it is lacking in a few departments which sadly make this one to probably miss.
Knack (PS4) – Sony’s wannabe new mascot Knack’s debut. Flawed, but I really enjoyed it. 3D platform fun, worth a play.
Rime (PS4) – an adventure puzzle game about the story of a boy who must use his wits to survive and escape from an island and a terrible curse.
Spelunker HD (PS3) – 2D game which is credited with influencing the indie hit, Spelunky. Features multiplayer and more than 100 stages.
Mugen Souls Z (PS3) – a cutesy RPG featuring goddesses as they try and stop an ancient threat.
Exiles End (PS Vita) – 2D sci-fi platformer. It scored unanimously bad reviews across the board so maybe one for a rainy day.
Grand Kingdom (PS Vita, PS4) – lengthy tactical-RPG with turn-based combat which forces you to think laterally on the battlefield as opposed to simply levelling up your characters.
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