Gameloft’s Modern Combat title was subject to hackers almost as soon as it was released, but the developers have listened to community feedback and are fighting back with a patch that claims to do away with the hackers to get battles back on a level playing field. There are also a few extra fixes and adjustments planned which should make life better for those enjoying the game:
- Anti-Hacking protection
- Invisible collision amendments to some maps.
- Respawn: prevent face-to-face respawns.
- Default time for a game in objective mode set to 3 minutes.
- Modification of the range of the knife (distance and angle).
- Possibility to change the range of the ping display.
- Money accumulates from $2400 instead of $0 in all modes featuring respawn.
- Quick fix of ‘death on respawn’ problems caused by connection issues.
- Adjusting of controls sensitivity
The update sounds promising, so hopefully the patch will be with us soon. Keep an eye out for our review coming very soon!
shouldn’t there also be like a infinte life kinda hack